Absolutely Konfabulous

020311_konfabulator.gif Konfabulator is a great example of why it’s worth owning a Macintosh. This Swiss army knife-style software is a JavaScript runtime engine that allows for quick, easy development of beautiful ‘widgets,’ which can do everything from display the time or weather, to rotate your iPhoto pictures, to allow remote control of your iTunes library. The software takes advantage of Mac OS X’s powerful rendering engine to gorgeous effect — the widgets are edgeless and shadowed and often transparent.

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Back to It

Okay, four freaking months later, I’ve decided I have to get back to blogging. Too much time has passed and there’s just been too much minutiae and trivia and inconsequentially esoteric tidbits that I’ve missed out on recording in my private little corner of the Web. This site is a mess though, and I need to sort out lots of design issues, but the posts are going to resume all the same.

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Seen Anything Good Lately

December seems to have forty percent fewer livable, workable hours than any other month. Now that Christmas is gone and my dog’s obedience training is coming along nicely, I’m hoping to do a few things: get back to the blog regularly and catch up on all the movies I haven’t had time to go see lately:

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Top Dog

Mister PresidentGetting a new dog turns your world upside down, as I’m learning right now. Yesterday, as an early birthday present, my girlfriend adopted this adorable mutt for me — I named him Mister President. I’m still getting my head around this whole pet parenting thing.

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