Getting Closer

The act of porting over to Movable Type has taken several weeks now, but every day I get a little closer to getting the job done. Recently, my attention has been devoted to bringing all of my old Blogger entries over to this new system. The first two months’ worth — Dec 2000 and Jan 2001 — are available now, and the rest are coming real soon now.

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Damn closed email accounts! The domain registration for expired recently and I almost didn’t even reallize it — I had used a now-defunct email address as the main contact address and had totally forgotten that the term was expiring, so my registrar was unable to reach me. The Internet really needs a reliable forwarding service. In any event, my apologies for the errors when surfing or emailing to over the past few days. Everything should be back to normal now.

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Light ’Em Up

You Deliver, We PayThis is not made up: the State Department is distributing these crazy matchbooks — bankrolled by a private nonprofit called ‘Rewards for Justice’ — advertising the $25 million bounty on “Usama bin Laden.” The design has the aesthetic quality of a check cashing joint, and it is clearly and cynically aimed at the same constituency.

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Online Frontline

The venerable PBS documentary show “Frontline” is celebrating its twentieth season. To mark the occasion, its producers have made over a dozen full-length episodes available online. Each episode is available in six, stamp-sized QuickTime segments — it’s not exactly the broadband future we’ve been promised since the nineties, but it’s still a feat that public television can deliver content in this way, while the major networks continue to wait for who knows what.

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Boys in Blue

Dark Blue There’s not all that much that’s surprising about “Dark Blue,” but there’s enough to recommend it beyond its inevitable, shortcut-to-video fate. To start with, like so many Kurt Russell enterprises, the movie’s star delivers more earnestness and hard work than can rightly be expected from an actor that’s been in the business for forty years and yet still always seems to be only on the verge of a major breakthrough.

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