Movies Watched on Filmstruck An exclusive post from the newsletter

Each month when I write a post like today’s roundup of the movies I watched in May, I tend to gloss over how many of these I’ve watched on Filmstruck, a streaming movie service that combines the huge Hollywood back catalog of Turner Classic Movies and the eclectic cinephile catalog of The Criterion Collection. It’s basically like Netflix, but with good movies instead. Lots of good movies. Actually, most of the best movies ever made. If I had to make a choice, I would cancel Netflix in order to preserve my Filmstruck collection—in a heartbeat. In the nearly two years that I’ve been a subscriber, I’ve watched, so far, fifty-four movies on Filmstruck—all listed here—the vast majority of which have been great.

Whether you’re already a Filmstruck subscriber yourself or you’re just interested in movies, I highly recommend you listen to this interview with Criterion president Peter Becker on Elvis Mitchell’s superb radio show The Treatment. It’s a wonderful look at how Becker and his team at Criterion think about film, and kind of an instructive look at what it means to love the movies.

Cheers from New York,