Shameless Self Promotion Checkin

A few recent public-ish appearances. First, a few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be invited to appear on Ilise Benun’s HOW Design Live Podcast. Benun’s show focuses on entrepreneurship and the business of creativity, and that’s largely the ground that we covered. You can listen to it below, and hear more episodes at

I also took part in the inaugural installment of powerhouse photography community 500px’s new series “Take 5 with 500px.” Basically, it’s a short question-and-answer in which I talked about photography, design and a bit of what we’re up at at Adobe. If you’re interested, it’s a short read over at

Also, tonight, I’ll be making at an appearance on stage at my good friend Paul Ford’s company Postlight, where we’ll have an interesting back and forth about what we’re working on at Adobe and various design and technology issues. Paul is one of the smartest people I know, so I’m sure he’ll be even more enlightening than I am—tickets are still available at It’s worth mentioning that I’m also set to appear on a forthcoming episode of Postlight’s excellent podcast Track Changes; stay tuned for more information on that.
