It seems almost quaint now to find a major organization maintaining one of these, but New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority seems pretty committed to its Flickr account. I’m grateful for it, too; instead of relatively small, low-resolution, square-cropped images with annoying faux vintage filters, we get lots of beautiful, high-resolution shots of the city’s public transportation systems at work (admittedly, along with some mildly goofy photos from press conferences and the like).
My favorite are the shots from the in-progress Second Avenue subway line, which the MTA is going through a tremendous amount of effort to pretend is actually going to open one day real soon now (for non-New Yorkers, this project has been promised to the city for literally decades). Still, the shots, several of which I’ve included here, showcase the awe inspiring scale of the project and the tremendous amount of human and machine effort that’s going into tunneling underneath Manhattan.

Many more images at mtaphotos on Flickr.