“How They Got There” Is Getting There

Folks, I’m nearing the finish line in preparing my book “How They Got There: Interviews With Digital Designers About Their Careers” for sale. Last week I applied the final round of changes from my eagle-eyed editor, Sue Apfelbaum, put the finishing touches on a marketing page for the book (which will replace the teaser page you see at, and I’m now taking care of a few final details getting the actual product ready for sale next week.

Mockup of my book (just a mockup—the book itself is available in PDF, iBooks and Kindle formats only)

I’ve also created a PDF sample of the book—basically the first thirty pages (of about two-hundred and fifty). This includes the foreword, written by my friend Liz Danzico, chair of the MFA Interaction Design program, my author’s preface, and the first of the fourteen in-depth interviews. As the interviews are all ordered alphabetically, this first one is with Dribbble co-founder Dan Cederholm. Dan offered some terrific insights into the evolution of his career and how Dribbble evolved from an idea into a business, and how it all relates back to his first career aspiration: playing in a rock band.

So here’s the deal: next week I will release this sneak peek of the book—for free—to anyone who has signed up for the mailing list at before midnight next Monday, 2 March. Signing up for the list gets you the sneak peek. Of course, it also gets you a discount for the book, about 30% off the price when it goes on sale. So rush on over and sign up now!
