New York Numbers

Advertising copywriter Nick Dilallo takes pictures of interesting numbers he finds throughout New York City and posts them to his Instagram account. Personally, my favorites are all of the aging, weathered sans-serif numbers in the Modernist style.

This one is not so vintage, but I think it’s fantastic:

I asked Nick what inspired this project; it’s the kind of thing you’d expect from a typographer but not necessarily a copywriter. He told me:

I take the photos myself — on my walk to work, on lunch breaks, on weekend adventures around different New York neighborhoods. I’m definitely not a photographer by trade; I’m a copywriter at an advertising agency here in New York. But I studied economics & mathematics in college, so I’m a bit of a numbers geek at heart. I how together they represent the diversity of New York. The different colors, typefaces, carvings, and positionings. Each photo tells a little story. And together, they tell the story of New York.

You can follow New York Numbers on Instagram.
