NYT: Bringing You a Signal You’re Already Paying For

Infuriatingly, AT&T’s plans to sell a new device designed to help boost its notoriously spotty cellular network signal.

The size of a couple of decks of cards, these mini-towers act and look like Wi-Fi hot spots at cafés, and redirect cellphone calls from congested cell towers to home Web connections.

So if you have terrible service in your apartment, as many AT&T customers I know do, you will now have the privilege of buying a device that costs over US$100 in order to improve the service that AT&T is not delivering successfully to you.

I’m reminded of the company’s “You Will” ad campaign from a few decades ago, in which they postulated various miraculous innovations in future communications technology, asking if you’ve ever, for example, “opened doors with the sound of your voice?” The promise was that “You will,” and it would be AT&T that would make it happen.

Well, have you ever paid a company to fix a service you already pay for? You will.
