Greatly Exaggerated

Here’s what happens sometimes: you try your hand at blogging. You get kind of good at it and get on a roll for, oh, six or seven years. You start getting more enterprising with your blogging, maybe even launching a second or third blog, and you start to upgrade your blog software, with plans to make everything faster, better. It all looks like it’s going to be great. You’re unstoppable.

Then you get incredibly busy at work. Ridiculously busy. And then maybe you meet a really awesome new person, and you rearrange most all of the priorities governing your free time. And then you and your new girlfriend even decide to shack up, get an awesome new place and make a happy little home together. Then you spend several weekends in a row packing, then moving, then unpacking and setting up the new apartment and making runs to Ikea and Home Depot.

The Best Laid-out Blogs…

Meanwhile, work doesn’t get any less busy at all. It really doesn’t. Haltingly at first, then more abruptly, your various blogging ambitions run aground. Before you know it, you haven’t posted to your blog — any of your blogs — in a long time. Like, months. People you know send you emails to ask you if you’re okay. People you don’t know leave comments on your blog wondering if you’re dead and if so can they buy your domain?

All of this happened to me, folks. Pretty much.

But I’m back. I really am. And I’m finally, finally running this Web site with the help of the amazing ExpressionEngine. And all thanks in no small part to the incredible, invaluable, indefatigable help of my friend Adam Khan, without whom this site would have been absolutely impossible. He made it happen, folks. I just provided the delays.

Superficially, things might not look all that different, but under the hood they’re pretty dramatically reworked. Adam helped me make some pretty major changes, and I’ll write more about that process and those decisions — and my experience with ExpressionEngine — in future posts. For now though, suffice it to say that things are going to be really rough around here for a while.

So I beg your indulgence for every untidy, untended detail you might encounter. There are lots of little corners throughout that need care and attention — like the glutton for tedium that I am, I’ve saddled this site with disproportionately more templates and interface details than really make sense for a personal blog. Still, I intend to get them all taken care of soon. Or someday. Just not today. For now, I just wanted to get up and running — and blogging again.
