Being from Maryland and all — I grew up in Gaithersburg — I’ve got a soft spot for Baltimore, for its cozy, rough and tumble neighborhoods, for that special ‘small town trapped in a big town’s body’ feel that it’s got, for the tarnished glory of the O’s. So it’s especially flattering for me to have been invited by AIGA Baltimore to speak for them in just a few short weeks. On Thu 21 Sep 2006, I’ll be appearing at Villa Julie College and giving a talk about work, play,, and a little bit of my grand, unifying theory on design in the twenty-first century.
You can find out more about the talk at the chapter’s events page. And, for kicks, here’s the postcard that the chapter prepared to promote the date — it makes good use of my latest publicity photo, in all its absurd, squinting glory. Hope to see you in Baltimore!
Below: Balti-moron. The publicity postcard for my upcoming talk in Maryland.