Below: Buttoned up. My design for El Boton along with designs by, clockwise from top, Dave Shea, Naz Hamid, Greg Storey, Jason Santa Maria and Jim Coudal.
Here’s a closer look at my design, both in its original form as an Adobe Illustrator layout and as photographed by Naz for It’s a typographic combination of two very different faces: Helvetica, of course, and Fette Fraktur. Admittedly, it’s not the most ingenious combination of contrasting typographic styles ever (in fact, it’s quite obvious), but I think the expletive adds a nice, juvenile and incongruously emphatic little twist to it. I like this design enough that I’ve been thinking of turning it into a tee-shirt; would you buy one? C’mon, what’s more attractive than a swearing typographic nerd?