Until yesterday, I was in no shape to blog, but I’m not sure I had all that much to say about Paris anyway. That is, apart from the obvious, which is that it completely justifies its reputation for being redolently gorgeous and romantic, at once historically overwhelming and inspiring… if you conveniently ignore the civil riots taking place at the edge of the city.
Missing the Clue Train
Having little command of French, having not actively sought out English-language news, and having spent not even fifteen minutes online while there, Joy and I were more or less oblivious to what was going on in the eastern suburbs, where a tragic social frustration was boiling over as we toured, shopped and ate like kings. I’m embarrassed to say it.
With that in mind, I have this to submit humbly: a Flickr set of our obliviousness. These are the fifty-four best of the 450 or so shots that I took on this trip — lately, I’ve been really getting into my nearly year-old Nikon D70.