Here and there, I’ve been fixing little details in the Movable Type configuration for, trying to remedy some of the many, many imperfections and shortcomings on which I’ve procrastinating for so long. The comments feature is now much more reliable than before, when I had coded the form fields in a manner that might suggest a drunken night in front of BBEdit. And this evening I made some alterations to the long-neglected XML feed so that you can read the full entirety of every entry. I’ve been getting back into trying to make Pulp Fiction work for me — I’ll have some notes on that soon — and one of the things I’ve discovered is that I much prefer it when a news source provides the full text of an article, rather than just a snippet. Anyhow, more later… hopefully much more, as this low rustle of activity is a warm-up to a redesign. Soon. I hope.