We are under a blizzard of snow here in New York City. It’s not exactly twelve inches, but it’s a more significant amount of snowfall than the mid-Atlantic has become accustomed to getting this early in the season. I, for one, am not particularly excited by the sudden transition to sub-freezing temperatures, slush-filled sidewalks and skin-chapping, chilling winds, but I admit it was a lot of fun watching the dog frolic in the snowdrifts this morning — and yet another reminder of his recent anniversary in our household.

Yesterday, just as the snow was getting thick and New York began to realize that this storm would bring more than just a dusting, I managed to sneak over to Tekserve to buy myself a brand new Apple PowerBook G4 12". I say “sneak” because that it’s only been a little more than two years since my last laptop purchase, and though I will see a big tax benefit from this acquisition — my financial situation makes this a major impetus in buying hardware before the end of the calendar year — it still makes me feel a little guilty that I had not waited until the three or four year mark to indulge myself again.
That said, I’m sitting here now, cozy and warm inside my apartment, and having a ball getting this thing set up. It’s a dead sexy little machine, sharply designed and compact, like a silvered Mini Cooper. I’m looking forward to being able to tote around this laptop on a more regular basis, without worrying about the back-damage that my 15" Titanium PowerBook always seemed to threaten. I’m sure that, with just a little bit of time, I’ll have left any guilt behind.
Oi vay, New York has it easy. Down here in Boston we woke up to two feet of snow yesterday! 🙂