Below: Timbuktu and iTunes 4 allow me to play my own music library remotely.
Far Away Sounds
Second, now that my girlfriend’s Power Mac G4 is running Mac OS X Jaguar, it’s considerably more useful on the network. This morning I installed a new copy of Timbuktu Pro on it, which gives me access to the G4 in the same manner as Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Client. What makes this clever is how I’m using it to play my own music library: with Timbuktu, I’m controlling her copy of iTunes 4, which can in turn access and play music from my hard drive, thanks to Apple’s slick Rendezvous technology. Since her G4 is attached to a great pair of speakers in the living room, I can hear my music in much better quality and control it entirely from the bedroom… where I’m supposed to be busy working on a full recovery from this cold.