Talk Talk

Plenty of movies entertain me and manage to surpass my often limited expectations, but when I watch a film like “Talk to Her,” I’m reminded that there is an art to filmmaking and it’s capable of making my jaw drop. Pedro Almodóvar’s latest feature begins as a tale of a female matador, shifts to an unlikely friendship between two vigilant and lonely would-be lovers of coma victims, interludes with a parody of silent films and concludes something like “Dead Man Walking.” From the very first few moments, I was transfixed by Almodóvar’s unpredictably elegiac, hilarious and disturbing roller-coaster ride. Its lingering power is one of emotional resonance, but I will gladly pay another ten dollars to see any movie that can even approximate the beauty of “Talk to Her“’s bullfighting cinematography — it’s one of perhaps two times that I’ve ever seen film look uncannily, rapturously like painting.
