8 Simple Rules for Dating My Blog

Though the redesign of this site isn’t quite complete (the About and Links subsections need to be overhauled yet, one day) I’m already starting to think about version Six.5. There are a few basic motivations behind this. First is my newfound, gung-ho attitude about CSS; I want to rebuild this site using nothing but XHTML and CSS, as valid as I can get it. More than that, I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging and about designing blogs and blog content.The challenge is to develop a distinctive voice amidst the legions of new weblogs being launched daily. Or, phrased as a question: what are the rules that I use to govern my blog and the posts I make to it? The following is a rough and unordered list (not quite eight).

Some might argue that what I’m outlining here is a set of guidelines for developing magazine content, not blog content, which could be true. I don’t pretend that these rules should be applied to every blog, by any means. In many ways, they run counter to the immediacy of the weblog medium, at least as it’s understood currently. However, there’s nothing here that’s in conflict with the fundamental idea of personal publishing. And that’s really what I’m after, I think — a viable platform for publishing the content that interests me. It satisfies the graphic designer in me not only to publish whatever content I like, but to be able to shape content and character of these posts just the way I like it, which is the breakthrough that’s really at the heart of every weblog.
