Six and a Half Posts About Six.5

Six.5The latest iteration of this site, version Six.5, goes public today. Here is the quick take-away: The past several years’ worth of posts are now all available and tagged for easy browsing, thanks to SixApart’s wonderful Movable Type software. Everything has been pretty seriously redesigned and is now very nearly compliant with Web standards — no old-style HTML tables have been used in the layout. Yay! There are still a few stray areas that need to be incorporated into the redesign, and some last minute tweaking for CSS and XHTML validation, and that will happen soon.I’ve done a bit of writing about all the work that went into Six.5, and for those readers who are curious enough to plod through my ramblings, you can click through these links:



One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for writing in depth about what I consider to be the finest blog design on the Internets* and then kindly collecting them on this page. One error: the Blogger’s Toolbox link is broken.

    * I am not joking.

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